young couples are often found sitting cozily in some silent corner of a coffee shop. only a few are caught around the trees in the lush gardens of city and hardly anyone is sighted walking hand in hand in a Plaza. Of late, the language of love seems to have changed and the chemistry seems to have developed into a new equation.
Something like : "Foamy cappuccino + bubbly ambiance = chocolaty love" or “a cuppa fuming black coffee + sizzling browning = hot love” all credit to coffee parlors that dotted up the city map. "Let's talk it over a cuppa coffee," has become something like a signature tune among the young gen.
My friend once said, “a lot can happen over a cuppa coffee”...and yes a lot did happen over a few dozen cups of coffee...all lazy Sunday afternoons, we had spend in coffee shops, talking endlessly over few rounds of coffee...our latest crush...the habit was taken up then only to have grown intenser now... we always had our own private corner at the CCDs where we cud exchange a few naughty glances and pretend to have not noticed it at all....hours were spent relaxing and talking over coffee...the brewing smell still brings back the memory afresh.